
bischero blog_11zon

Bischero or fare il bischero is from the Tuscan dialect, and means to be stupid/ foolish/ naïve person, or someone who is not very clever etc. It is certainly not a compliment.

Read this article here below to discover the meaning of Bischero.

The origins

the meaning of BischeroWhat is its origin? It dates to the 14th century with the extremely wealthy Bischeri family, consisting of landowners and merchants who owned many properties in the city. However, when the Florentine Republic began planning the construction of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (better known now as the Duomo), they wanted to demolish several Bischeri houses in the area. This is where the family showed their foolishness. Despite being offered fair and generous compensation for their land, the Bischeri’s refused to sell, causing the government to take their land by force for the state. They lost nearly all their money and prominence.

The meaning of Bischero

The family’s stubbornness and stupidity costed them dearly, so if someone compares you to a Bischero, it means you should think before you act.

If you are curious about the origins of other tipycal Florentine words, check out this page!